The 20-Minute Panic Clean: Speed Cleaning Tips for Surprise Guests

That Tuesday started out normal enough. I had dropped kiddo off at school and was working from home, coffee in hand, when my phone buzzed. A friend I hadn’t seen in ages texted and made my heart stop: “In your neighborhood! Stopping by in a few minutes 😊” I looked around my living room. Breakfast…


10 Small Daily Habits for a Home That Feels Effortlessly Tidy

Let me tell you about the day I finally started to get my tidy home act together, and how you can too. For the longest time, my home was a weird mix of office, restaurant, gym, and storage unit. And if I’m being honest, none of those functions were working particularly well. One of my…

Homemaking and Impostor Syndrome: Why You’re More Legit Than You Think

Five years ago, I stood in my kitchen sometime in the evening, surrounded by dishes, with my toddler tugging at my leg and pasta boiling over on the stove. That old familiar thought crept in: “I have no idea what I’m doing. Everyone else has this figured out… right?” Wrong. But it took me years…

A No-Nonsense Guide to Running Your Home: What Actually Works

Can we talk about how different running a home is from what we expected? Maybe you thought you’d be that person with everything under control – clean house, amazing meals, the works. Instead, you’re staring at a mountain of clothes and wondering why stuff keeps piling up on your kitchen counter. I get it. I’ve…

Menstrual Cups? 10 Reasons to switch ASAP!

I have spent over 2 decades of my life having menstrual periods every month and only just discovered the beauty of this soft, silicone, delightful, man-made material known as menstrual cups. I feel regret. Regret for those many years spent wearing uncomfortable pads, checking and rechecking myself when out, not being able to have a…